when i worked for an engineering magazine in 2000, i wrote a feature on cyberport. the following are quoted from my feature:
"the cyberport, an important information infrastructure project in hong kong, attracts not only local attention, but also the world's focus as it is expected to be a multimedia hub for forming a strategic cluster of worldclass information technology (IT) and information services (IS) companies.
aiming at attracting and nurturing innovative IT/IS talents in order to build a cyber culture critical mass in hong kong.....
.....the cyberport provides a quality working and living environment conducive to creative thinking and exchange of ideas among like-minded people."
when i wrote this feature, the cyberport was not built yet. today, i have a chance to see the real cyberport. comparing what i see today with what is described in my feature, i am completely disappointed with this so-called the hub for high technology. where are the worldclass IT and IS companies? where can i find like-minded people exchanging ideas? none. what i can only see is a quiet building complex. it is so quiet that i think today is sunday instead of monday. the lobby of park building at castle peak road is much busier than the cyberport! the cyberport simply cannot create a "campus" atmosphere conducive to creative synergy.
what an important infrastructure project in hong kong!
今日除左同事們, 見得最多既就係o個度d staff. 還有那唔make sense的conference room, 全玻璃外牆, for show-off only?
ReplyDelete周圍都係plasma, 人都唔多個, feel唔到有exchange of ideas but 冷冷清清. 咁大個office咁多facilities咁少人, 這就是公帑.
just wonder如果搬左入去之後要OT夜走, 自己一個行o個條長長又冇人既走廊, 會唔會好驚呢...
六點正就要走進core f的電梯離開了
其實真係好為難, 每天返工, 同放工都是壓力, 哎, 要知道長途跋涉, 山長水又遠, 精神同精力都消耗了, 只是一份工作
ReplyDelete0者, 用不著令員工們怨聲載道的, 哭哭啼啼...
贊成。其實大家,even no.1 & no.2都係打份工O者…難道要move in左,大家沒精打采,放工個個Sharp趕車走,咁至發現問題之嚴重性?
ReplyDelete鬥快準時走, 係我地每日的目標。