24 February 2006





16 February 2006

book review: a walk to remember

i have already finished reading four novels by nicholas sparks - the notebook, the wedding, a bend in the road and a walk to remember.

a walk to remember is a novel with humour in the beginning but tears in the later part. a teenager's first love has changed his life forever. he himself has never believed that he would fall in love with such a girl - not outstanding and fashionable in appearance but devoted to serving god and loved and helped others in her life. she has changed him -- his value system and his outlook on life. he said that she "helped me become the man i am today. with her steady hand she showed me how important it was to help others; with her patience and kindness she showed me what life is really all about. her cheerfulness and optimism, even in times of sickness, was the most amazing thing i have ever witnessed....also taught me the value of forgiveness and the transforming power that it offers...she led her life the way the bible taught."

i can feel this teenager's changes and indeed growth. growth is not easy especially for that part involving the shaping of one's value system. and i feel happy for him.

i was moved to tears when i read the part that the girl told him about her sickness and how he supported her all along. i am also moved by the girl's faith and optimism. in spite of all criticism and misunderstanding from other people earlier and the serious sickness later, she remains cheerful, optimistic and peaceful. and she keeps doing what she thinks god likes her to do.

read this book and you will feel the joy and pain of living.

03 February 2006




關手機 -- 工餘或適當時候關掉手機
關郵箱 -- IBM 鼓勵員工每天檢查電子郵箱2次
關電視 -- 不看電視便會有更多時間做更有意義的事情
戒衝動購物 -- 把錢和時間留給生活
休假充電 -- 每星期放一天充電假期
踱步 -- 上班下班時步行而不乘車,給自己一些寧靜
小息 -- 每天上班時要抽出時間小休
慢食 -- 健康飲食,戒掉快餐,慢嚼,慢嚥

01 February 2006


